Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

The Humble Leader: Why Admitting What You Don't Know is a Strength

As leaders, we often feel pressure to have all the answers and to be the guiding light for our teams and organizations. We're told that confidence is key and that any sign of uncertainty will be interpreted as weakness. But what if I told you that one of the most powerful traits a leader can possess is humility—the willingness to admit what we don't know?

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

If You Want Different Results, Create a Different Process

When it comes to how we approach growth, whether, in a personal or professional context, we have an important choice to make. We have to decide whether we want to be results- or process-oriented. If we choose the former, we’ll focus mostly on the outcome of whatever endeavor we undertake.

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

Reflecting on the Past, Envisioning the Future

Acheiving Business, Balance, & Bliss isn’t about grand resolutions that fizzle out by February. It's about making small, sustainable changes that accumulate to create a significant impact in our lives.

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