Leadership is About Sharing Success and Letting Others Shine


Many new leaders make the mistake of believing now that they are in a leadership position, it’s their time to shine. But great leaders are those who lead by serving others. Leadership really isn’t about you, but about your team. 

Sure, the new office, shiny car, and senior title look great on paper, but how do they help you lead? Do they make you better than the rest of your team?

Ego has a tricky way of clouding vision. As a leader, you’re not always right or entitled to mindless servitude. Explain why you do things the way you do and allow your team to take that advice and shape it to their specific needs.  

To be an actionable and effective leader, you must serve others and the greater good. It’s important to share the spotlight with your team and be of service to others. Show them that you recognize and value their work and contributions. 

As a leader, it’s your job to elevate your team—position feedback not as what your team member did wrong, but how that person can shine brighter. Share what you know and give your team the tools they need to thrive in their positions.

Often, employees don’t speak up or voice their concerns because they don’t believe they will be taken seriously. They may feel listened to but rarely do they see anything come from what they’ve said. Basically, it’s a waste of their time.

Take the time to sit down and let them know you recognize it’s not a one-person show. Prove to them that their feedback and ideas are vital to the team's success and that they can come to you with any idea or concern. Their contributions count, so let them shine when it’s their time. 

When people feel recognized and connected with leadership and the team as a whole, they know their contributions matter and have value. This motivates them to try harder and foster a sense of community. 

As Nelson Mandela said, “Lead from the back—and let others believe they are in front.” When your team shines, you shine too. 


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